Automation, UserForm, Analysis Services, VBA Errors
Error message: UserForm_Initialize - - 2147467259 Automation error Unspecified error Unspecified or Miscellaneous Errors Description: When attempting to use a Catalyst connected Excel cube file, the user will unexpectedly encounter similar Microsoft errors as seen above. The causes are usually...
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Blank Excel Ribbon
Error message: No error message. In Excel, the ribbon at the top will be blank. Excel Ribbon is Blank or Missing Description: This can be caused by the machine having recently been updated to a different version of Microsoft 365. Solution: Enable "Optimize for compatibility" in Excel. To do so, ...
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Cancelled by User Error
Error message: Operation cancelled by user. Error when attempting to change a filter setting in a row or column Description: Can sometimes occur when attempting to manipulate a filter field in a cube or pivot table. The effect will manifest in attempting to add or remove a specific field that wi...
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Class Not Registered
Error message: UserForm_Initialize -- xxx Class not registered. Error Registering Class - Must enable IE on computer Description: May occur when opening a Cube file (e.g. EBMOfficeBridge.xlsm) or refreshing all cubes in the EBM Office Bridge Ribbon. Microsoft Internet Explorer is used in the bac...
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Connection Cannot Be Made
Error message: Either a connection cannot be made to the server or Analysis Services is not running on the computer specified. Server Access Error Description: This error is caused by an access issue or link issue between the system and the cube attempting to open. Solution: Restart the computer.
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Cube Filters Locked and Won't Refresh - Microsoft Office Update
Updated as of 12/13/21. Microsoft has pushed out an update that should resolve this issue. If not, please send us your file and we will refresh it manually. Unable to Update Financial Packages Connected to Catalyst As part of a recent update pushed out by Microsoft, we've received reports from se...
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Cube Permissions
Error Message: We couldn't get data from the external source. The cube either does not exist or has not been processed. Microsoft Excel Cube Permission Issue - You do not have access to one or more cube(s) Description: This error is an access issue or link issue between the system and the cube a...
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Cube Requires Analysis Services Connection
Error message: Analysis Services Connection 14.0 - This wizard will help you connect to a Analysis Services data source. File Refresh Issue - Analysis Server Login Wizard Description: When attempting to use a Catalyst connected Excel cube file, the user will unexpectedly encounter similar Micros...
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Cube Session Timeout or Cube Structure Rebuild
Error message: XML for Analysis parser: The 'xxx' session ID cannot be found. Either the session does not exist or it has already expired. Session ID Cannot Be Found Error Description: This message occurs if the user session expires or if a cube structure change has been applied. A new session o...
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Cube Updater Fails
Error message: Upload Failed: Invalid Hyperlink: Malformed URI is embedded as a hyperlink in the document. Invalid Hyperlink in Cube File Description: You'll experience an error message when attempting to run a file through the Cube Updater: "Upload Failed: A malformed URI was found in the docume...
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Data is in the Cube that Shouldn't be Present
Error message: Data shows up in the Excel cube file that doesn't exist in Catalyst. Where is this data coming from? Cube showing non-existent data Description: Users will unexpectedly see data that doesn't exist in Excel cube files within a pivot table. This data can't be vetted elsewhere, such ...
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Database Driver Operation Issue
Error message: An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed. If the driver is a Microsoft driver, make sure the driver file isn't damaged, and if it is, reinstall the driver by reinstalling Microsoft Query. For other drivers, contact your database administrator or driver vend...
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EBM Login Page Has Progress Bar Loop
Error message: EBM login dialog window stops halfway and never fully loads. Initial Login Window Halts Halfway Description: When opening a Cube file (e.g. EBMOfficeBridge.xlsm) the initial login window progress bar stops halfway and will never complete. Indicative of an Internet Explorer event, ...
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EBM Office Bridge is Blank
Error message: No error message. The EBM Office Bridge interface will appear blank. Empty Office Bridge Interface Description: This can happen when attempting to open a new cube file and not being prompted to log in immediately. Upon attempting to Enable Content (or Macros), the EBM Office Bridg...
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EBM Office Bridge Ribbon Appearing Twice in Excel
If you notice the EBM Office Bridge ribbon appearing twice in Excel, it's usually due to lingering links from other cube files or duplicated cube connections. These artifacts can cause unexpected behavior in your file. This guide outlines how to identify and fix the issue by breaking workbook l...
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Error Uploading to Catalyst
Error message: Error: Unable to load the file, please verify all cells contain valid data. The provided user does not have access to associated content item: 52 User does not have access to associated content item Description: Users will unexpectedly get an error message, similar to above, that ...
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Error: Excel Locking Conflicts During Refresh
Error Message "Server: The operation was cancelled because of locking conflicts. We couldn't get data from an external data source. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact the administrator for the external data source." Workarounds for Locking Conflicts This issue often...
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Excel crashes, automation error the object invoked has disconnected from its clients
Users may encounter a problem where Microsoft Excel crashes when attempting to open specific files, accompanied by an error message stating "Automation Error: The object invoked has disconnected from its clients." This article contains the following topics: Issue description Issue resolution F...
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Excel Quits Unexpectedly or Requires Microsoft Login
Error message: Either Excel will spin and eventually timeout and shutdown or it will require a new login through a Microsoft SharePoint dialog login window. SharePoint Login Window Required After Refreshing Cube Description: Occurs after opening up an Excel file and attempting to click the "Ref...
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Excel Slicers Not Working or Data Not Found
Error message: We couldn't get data from an external data source. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact the administrator for the external data source. Here is the error message that was returned from the Analysis Server named http://...; Query (#, #) The '&[#]' member w...
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Excel Time Out Error
Error Message: MS Office has timed out while receiving or sending data, please close the window and attempt the operation again. If the issue persists, please contact your system administrator. Message from webpage timeout error Description: This is a communication issue between the browser and ...
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Excel Upload Bug - File Doesn't Validate or Process
Error message: When uploading from Excel, the subsequent Catalyst dialog window is missing processing/validation options or indicators. Catalyst File Upload Window is Missing Validate/Process Button Description: When attempting to upload data into Catalyst from Excel using the EBM Office Bri...
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File Not Found - Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Error message: Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications File not found ____ MS VBA Missing File Error Description: This issue can happen when an EBM Office Bridge file (e.g. Cube) is opened and can be caused by an Excel application crash while the file was in the process of opening. The technical...
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Filter or Slicer Not Found
Error message: Query (x,x) The 'xxx' member was not found in the cube when the string, [xxx], was parsed. Values Referenced Are No Longer Present Note: FYI that Excel slicers can become volatile and problematic when a file is connected to an external data source. We do not advise using slicers f...
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Hierarchy Structure Changes
Error message: This PivotTable report is invalid. Try refreshing the data (On the Analyze tab, click Refresh). Invalid PivotTable Report Error Description: This error occurs because of hierarchy changes. Solution: Please run "Refresh all Cubes" under the EBM Office Bridge tab in the MS Ribbon.
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How to clean a file to remove special characters
Occasionally you may run into an error when attempting to upload files to Catalyst: "Invalid Name Associated With ID(s) or Name(s) cannot contain the Unicode Control character (see list below)". Excel has functionality to help you with this. This article describes the formula syntax and ...
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HP Sure Click Error
Error message: The file originated from an untrusted location and might be unsafe. [AND] MS Office has timed out while receiving or sending data, please close the window and attempt the operation again. HP Sure Click Untrusted Location Description: This will occur after attempting to open a new ...
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IE Crash
Error message: A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab. Internet Explorer Crashes Description: MS Office Bridge files communicate using Internet Explorer. Occasionally users will experience an issue where after logging into the cube IE crashes. This can b...
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Invalid User Credentials
Error message: This PivotTable was created in a later version of Excel and can't be updated in this version. To update it, click OK, and then open the workbook in the version of Excel it was originally created in. User Credential Issues Description: This error occurs, likely because the user ha...
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Journal Entry Cube Doesn't Load in Excel
Error message: We couldn't get data from an external data source. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact the administrator for the external data source. Here is the error message that was returned from the Analysis Server named https://ebmcatalyst.com/olap/msmdpump.dll: E...
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