•   How to set up a new fiscal or calendar year

    Catalyst allows you to use a traditional calendar year or set up your own fiscal calendar, based on your internal accounting and business practices.   This article contains the following topics:  Calendar year versus Fiscal year How to set up a new non-standard fiscal year How to set up a new s...

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  • Actuals Thru and Dependent Scenarios

    This article provides insights into the practical aspects of "Dependent Scenario Types" and their applications, along with a closer look at the functionality of "Actuals Through." Let's explore the functionalities and significance of these elements in the Catalyst framework for financial planni...

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  • Adding a level to an existing hierarchy

    Is it OK to add levels to an existing hierarchy? The short answer is yes! Although you may encounter a warning message, it's absolutely fine to add a new level to an existing hierarchy. You won't break anything permanently, but the main impact will be in having to rebuild reports that use this h...

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  • Adding a New Company ID to Catalyst

    This article explores two methods for adding new company IDs to your Catalyst environment, catering to various needs like mergers, client onboarding, and even improving your reporting structure. This article contains the following topics:  Examples Method 1 Method 2 Use Cases Here are two s...

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  • Configuring prior year net income roll forward

    In this article, we will discuss how to ensure that your beginning balances are automatically calculated from the prior year and how to roll forward prior year net income into this year’s retained earnings beginning balance. This process is important for maintaining accurate financial records an...

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  • Currency and Foreign Exchange Rates

    FX Currency Rate Management Catalyst offers the ability to draw from system-generated currency exchange rates when working with foreign currency exchange rates or user-defined rates, which you can set manually. Learn more about managing your FX rates below.  This article contains the following to...

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  • Duplicate Values Exist Upload Error

    Error message: Invalid - Duplicate values exist in the upload... File upload failure caused by duplicates in the upload sheet Description: The File Upload Center under the Planning tab in Catalyst provides some good detail about your uploads, including whether or not the upload completes and ...

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  • Duplicating a scenario

    It's less common, but you may find that you want to duplicate a scenario and its corresponding data. Usually this will only occur for budget or forecast scenarios. The primary purpose for this would be to keep your original scenario intact as you make changes in a new scenario built from the orig...

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  • Flipping Signs in Catalyst

    This article explains how to reverse, or "flip," the sign of specific data categories in Catalyst. Flipping signs can be helpful when a standard accounting convention differs from how you want to view the data. This article contains the following topics:  Sign flip defined When to use sign fli...

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  • How can I show ending balances for all accounts?

    Question:  I want to see ending balances for all accounts from a given year. How can I see that in Catalyst? Answer: Normally you can do this right in the Catalyst website, using the Manage Actuals > Financial Actuals module to filter to your desired dataset. At which point you can then export it...

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  • How do I export large amounts of data?

    Exporting data in Catalyst Exporting data can be useful and can usually be managed in Catalyst under the Excel options > Export options in the various management pages within the user interface, such as Manage Actuals, Planning, or Hierarchy Management. But what if the dataset is too big to expo...

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  • How do I load data into Catalyst?

    This article contains the following topics: Overview Using Catalyst User Interface Using a Catalyst Export/Upload sheet in Excel Is data overwritten if it exists? Overview While working in Catalyst, you have the ability to manually add, update, or remove data from your instance. Most commonly,...

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  • How do I upload or import large files?

    Most of the time, Catalyst's connection to your Excel workbooks via the EBM Office Bridge ribbon will allow uploads back into the system with great success. However sometimes when working with large overall environments or instances, or with files containing thousands of rows of data, the Excel r...

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  • How does archiving a scenario work?

    While Catalyst allows the creation of numerous scenarios, the accumulation of irrelevant ones can clutter your instance. In this article, we explore the significance of archiving scenarios, the impact it has on your work, and answer common questions related to the archiving process. This articl...

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  • How to delete an account from a hierarchy

    Sometimes unwanted or unnecessary accounts are added to Catalyst. At first glance it may appear difficult to remove these, but it's relatively easy.  This articles contains the following topics: Reasons for deleting How to delete Why you may want to delete an account Below are some of th...

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  • Managing and Adding Hierarchies

    This article provides a comprehensive guide to managing hierarchies in Catalyst. Hierarchies are a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing your data, allowing you to drill down from high-level summaries to granular details. This article contains the following topics:  Requirements What are ...

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  • Overrides

    This article contains the following topics:  What is an override Why use an override How to enter overrides Best practices What are financial and profitability overrides? Each day, invoices and transactions are loaded into Catalyst via the automation from your source ERP system or via upload. A...

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  • Transaction Attributes

    This article contains the following topics:  Requirements Background What are transaction attributes  Why use a transaction attribute How to create a transaction attribute Examples and use-case Best practices Requirements for Adding or Removing Transaction Attributes If your EBM instance is aut...

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  • Understanding and Managing Scenarios in Catalyst

    This guide will walk you through the essentials of Catalyst scenarios, covering what they are, how to create them, and effective management practices within Catalyst. This article contains the following topics: What is a scenario? Scenario definition Examples of scenarios How to create a new...

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  • Understanding Scenario Source Periods

    When initially setting up scenario source periods in a new scenario, it's important to understand that the system performs a one-time capture of data from the source scenario when creating the new scenario. The connection between them is not dynamic, meaning subsequent changes in the source scen...

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  • Understanding the System Status Page

    As an administrator or a user with access to change system settings, you hold the key to unlocking the potential of Catalyst. The System Status page, easily accessible under the drop-down arrow by your name or via the Administration tab, is your control center for visualizing status, refreshing ...

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