If you have an account that you know exists but cannot seem to locate it within your Excel cube, there's no need to worry. This guide will help you understand the possible reasons behind this issue and how to resolve it.
"I have an account that I know exists, but I cannot see it in the cube."
First confirm that your account exists in your Catalyst website.
- Go to Catalyst > Administration > Hierarchies > Account Hierarchy > Tree View and search for your account.
- In this example, "Other Income & (Expense)" exists in the Catalyst website as seen below.
- BUT, when we look in the cube, it does not (as seen below).
The reason you cannot see the account in your Excel cube is likely because there are no data (values or amounts) associated with that account.
In order to display an account within an Excel cube, it needs to have corresponding data. To confirm whether this is the issue and to address it, follow these steps:
Show Rows with No Data in Excel Cube: In Excel, you can configure your pivot table to display rows with no data. Here's how you can do it:
a. Right-click on an item in the pivot table field.
b. In the pop-up menu, click on "Field Settings."
c. In the Field Settings dialog box, navigate to the "Layout & Print" tab.
d. In the Layout section, check the box for 'Show items with no data.'
By enabling this option, you can make the account visible in the cube, but it will display blanks until data is associated with it.
Check for Data in Catalyst Website: To ensure that data does exist for the account in question, follow these steps:
a. Navigate to Catalyst > Administration > Financial Actuals.
b. Use the appropriate filters to locate the specific account, in this case, "Other Income & Expense."
c. Check if any values or data exist for this account. If no values are present, you will need to either manually load amounts into this account or wait for automated processes to populate it overnight.
Refresh the Cube: If you've confirmed that there are indeed values associated with the account in your Catalyst website but they are not showing up in Excel, you may need to refresh the cube. To do this:
a. Navigate to the System Status page.
b. Locate the option to refresh the cube or update data.
c. Initiate the cube refresh process, which should push the amounts associated with the account to Excel.
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of the missing account in your Excel cube. Remember that it is crucial to have data associated with an account for it to be displayed in the cube effectively.
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