You may encounter a myriad of error messages when using Microsoft Excel, but rest assured we've likely seen it before.
Many errors occur due to an issue with the cube attempting to open or refresh, so if the instructions in each link below do not resolve the issue, try restarting your computer and attempt to open the same cube and/or download a new one. If the issue persists, use the Cube Updater or send us a message for further support.
Read on for some of the most common errors and fixes.
Activity Missing from Pivot Measures Section
Analysis Server OLE DB Provider
Analysis Services Wizard with Database Driver Failure
Browser Stuck in a Processing Loop
Cube Session Timeout or Cube Structure Rebuild
Cube Showing Data That No Longer Exists
EBM Loading Form Progress Bar Loop
Excel Upload Bug - File Upload Popup
Excel Quits Unexpectedly or Requires Microsoft Login
Excel Slicers Not Working or Data Not Found
IE Security Error Upon Opening a Cube File
Journal Entry Cube Doesn't Load in Excel
Macros and Trust Center Errors
Microsoft Update - Security hardening change for Trusted Documents
Missing Hierarchy in Excel Cube
Missing Hierarchy in PivotTable Fields
Power BI Dashboard Access Error
Process or Transaction Deadlocked
Signed Out When Exporting a Hierarchy Excel Sheet
Slicers Referencing Values No Longer Present in the Cube
UserForm_Initialize - Web Browser Excel Fail
If you find other error messages please take a screenshot of the message and include it in a support ticket.
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