Important note to EBM and Blue Ops employees: If you need to add an employee to an instance or project, you MUST do so from Diligent, not from Catalyst.
There's a good chance we already set up your Catalyst instance with users, but if you're an Administrator and need to add a new user, just follow the steps below.
Steps for Adding a New User
- Navigate to the Administration tab on the left and select the User tile.
- Click the Add User button at the bottom right.
- Fill out the simple form and click Save.
- We recommend reserving the "Is Client Admin" selection for the highest of administrators on your team. "Is Client Admin" essentially means they can do everything. If this box is checked you do not need to worry about setting their individual permissions. For everyone else, you can set security permissions on the next page.
- We also recommend keeping the "Allow System to Generate Password" box selected. The user will be sent an email (double check spam folder) with login instructions, including a strong password. The user can then change their password upon signing in.
- Groups: Once saved, you'll be able to set various security permissions for this user, starting with adding them to a Group. Groups act as a quick way to define specified or common permissions for a number of users. If you don't have any groups, don't worry, you can create those later. If you've already created Groups and want to add this user to a group, then you can stop there -- their permissions are now set.
- Navigation Permissions: If you're not adding the user to a group, click the next tab over which is called Navigation Permissions. These define which sections (e.g. Planning, Administration, etc.), and subsequent tiles within those sections (e.g. Financial Planning, User Management, etc.), a user can actually see and navigate to. Depending on whether you choose "Read" or "Edit" access for each content area will determine whether or not the user can actually click on and access the corresponding tiles within each section or tab, rather than just being able to see them.
- Hierarchy Permissions: If you want to include Hierarchy Permissions for this user then move on to the next tab. Hierarchy Permissions would apply for users that need to access the Manage Hierarches section in the Administration tab. A common reason for needing this access is to map unassigned accounts or when it's necessary to add a new hierarchy or manage current hierarchies.
- Permission Summary: Once you've established your user's permissions you're done! You can double check the user's permissions and security on the last tab, called the Summary page. This page is useful for understanding what a user has or needs access to in the Catalyst instance.
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