Changing your password
Changing a user's password is a function available to both an individual user or any admin user of the Catalyst instance.
To change your own password, click the dropdown menu by your name at the top right of the screen.
From there, click the Change Password option to get to the next screen. Enter your desired password twice and click Submit to save.
Changing someone else's password
An admin user can change the password of another user by navigating to the "Impersonate User" option under Administration -> User Management -> User.
Once you find the user you want to edit, click the blue person icon on the right side of the screen to impersonate them. This will direct you back to the Catalyst homepage, where you can then click the dropdown option at the top right to change 'your' password.
After successfully changing the password for your user, you'll want to end the impersonation. To do so, click the user dropdown menu and select 'End Impersonation'. This will return you to your own user's homepage.
Saving your credentials in Excel
At first glance it doesn't appear that this dialog window will automatically save your login credentials, but did you know there actually is a way to do that?
Keep an Excel window you've already logged into open in the background! If you keep an Excel window open that you've already logged into, each subsequent file you use will not require you to login as long as at least one window remains open. If you quit Excel you'll need to login again.
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